Monday, March 8, 2010

Concept Mapping

I found that the concept mapping exercise was a great tool to use to help show comparison and contrast between things and/or ideas; by definition, it is use to show representation or organizing of knowledge.. This assignment was the first ever for me to use and by Dr. Wang showing us how to use each of the functions, the end product of the one we completed in class, was very clear to me and it gave me some ideas on how I would use it in my classroom one day. This project will not only allow me to express my ideas on a subject, but will enable me to see how my futures students think individually.

Please view my concept mapping artifact by clicking on the following link: Concept Mapping


  1. I think you did a great job on the concept mapping! I found it to be a very good tool especially to use in the classroom. I believe it is very creative and a useful tool to use.

  2. The concept mapping exercise was fun. There are many daily applications you could apply it to. Basically anything that requires either planning or coordination can be layed out with a concept map.
